Thursday, December 19, 2013

I'm addicted (421 words)

My tumblr obsession has become therapy.

            Every night before I fall asleep I scroll as far through my tumblr timeline as possible, or until I chicken out and become tired. It’s gotten to the point where I am now staying up past my usual bed time. It’s crazy. (sarcasm)

            But where I’m getting with this is I think it’s affecting my mood and outlook on certain things in both good ways and bad.

Relationships: I think tumblr is setting me up for unrealistic Ideas when it comes to what boys should be saying to me or how a relationship should be to the extent of how we cuddle. I kind of hate it, because lately I’ve been talking to a guy, I really like, but I’ve noticed that I keep comparing him to the things I see on tumbr which makes me even more angry at myself.

Where I live: Now, Iowa is so pretty, I realize that. But, do you know how many other places that are so much prettier there are? A LOT. Like every time I get on tumblr I see a new one I need to visit.

All in all, I’ll probably keep up with my tumblr addiction alogn with other social Medias just fine.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Instannoying (432 words)

Lately I’ve found instagram extra annoying. Along with twitter.

            Mainly the things I’ve found annoying have had to do with updates they’ve added such as the insta direct messaging which for me has done nothing but make me angry.
            Now, I understand that there are some plus sides to the update to this app but along with apps such as twitter, and snapchat these aps are doing so in a way that seems as though they are trying to be something they’re not. Yes, I am judging an ap.
            Only because I’m really tired of social media apps constantly updating themselves to try to dominate the social media world. They should just stick to what they’re good at.
            Snapchat for instance is doing a great job suttlely updating things like snap stories, and people like that, so they should stop. I believe they’re risking their user amounts, that’s all.
When you go in to post a picture (the same way that you’ve been posting pictures on Instagram), you’ll see two new tabs on the top of the post: Followers and Direct.

With Direct, you can choose a specific friend and type a special message, and that goes only to your friend. Once that friend opens up the photo, their profile picture within the message gets a check mark, noting that it’s been read. Users can also like direct photo messages, and chat can ensue from there.  You can send Direct messages up to 15 people, Sounds a lot like snapchat, riiiiight? That’s what I thought too.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

10 things the internet has taught me (614 words)

The internet has taught me a lot factual and nonfactual things in the past couple of years. Mainly nonfactual but I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t changed how I view certain things.

The first big thing that the internet has taught me is to never judge a person based purely off of their twitter, facebook, or instagram page. Because according to my own judgment and statistics, 75% of everything us teenagers post is not usually what were really thinking. Now, if you’re a person who really does, I applaud you, but just remember, don’t depend on people actually listening to what you say. We are human.

2nd: changed my music taste for the rest of my life. I don’t know what else to say other than it’s a site that posts new music from all kinds of different artists every day, it’s pretty neat.

The third thing the internet has taught me, CATS. You either hate them or you really love them. For me, it’s a definite love. I’d consider it one of my favorite pass times. If you look through who I’m following on social media, I guarantee you’ll find multiple strictly cat pages. Not ashamed, apparently they’re trending, considering I see them in plenty of people’s bios. On top of that, they even have their own emoji facial expressions, do you see any with dogs? If that doesn’t make it an official trend, I don’t know what does.

Pronouncing things is the 4th thing that the internet has (confused) taught me. Is it Gif or Gif?  

5th: There are so many places cooler than Iowa. Like wow, every time I check pinterest or Tumblr, I find a new place to add to my bucket list. Apparently whenever our state came about, we missed the whole, mountains, or waterfalls, or volcanos, or oceans thing. We kind of missed everything except corn.

The 6th thing I’ve learned thanks to the internet: Never underestimate the power of fangirls. I’m pretty sure Justin Bieber and One direction would agree with me. There’s also nothing scarier than a massive amount of upset fans, especially beliebers. Anybody remember #cutsforbieber? I belieb that was one of the weirdest, and most confusing hashtag I’ve ever seen, especially being a fan of Justin Bieber.

7th: is like a drug, and WILL consume a lot of your time if you let it. I’m saying this as a warning because I don’t think I could count up the hours I’ve spent on it, but it’s definitely a cool site to visit if you’re ever bored.

8th: Swag is not an adjective. It is something you poses.

I’m going to dedicate the 9th thing I’ve learned while using the internet is my not so new found respect for Youtube. The app and site has brought Kid Cudi, Chance the rapper, Grace Helbig, Neature walks, Turrets guy, and even Sharkeisha into my life. The site has also prevented me from ever being able to say “I like turtles,” in a normal voice ever again. If you don’t happen to know anything I’m talking about in this paragraph, please, feel free to search any of these terms on

The 10th and final thing I’ve learned and am going to stress is that you can’t get all of your information on current events from twitter accounts. Trutherbot is not journalism, and in my opinion people shouldn’t ever rely strictly on one place to get all of their information.

Since I shared my own experiences with the internet I’m going to end this with a little advise.

Be aware, be advised, stay open minded, and you’re never fully dressed without a smile. J

Photos = Life (403 words)

My favorite thing as a photographer is the beauty captured in a photo. Cheesy, I know. But honestly, I don’t think there is anything more exciting than capturing a time in someone’s life. A moment.

A moment is what creates a photo. Some moments are planned, and turn out just as great as or even better than they were planned. But some, the best of moments come unplanned and turn out to be some of the best things to happen to people in their lives, and to capture that is something even more magical.

The reason I know these things is the simple feelings I get when I look back at pictures of when I was around 3-6, a time I don’t remember that well but thanks to a camera, can look back to and remember the events so well.

In old photos, I can come across the warm familiarity of my mother’s smile, and the presence of my dad trying his hardest to hide from the camera. I can see pictures so vivid that my mind goes straight back to that point in my life. Which, to me, is amazing.

Maybe I am a bit bias when it comes to photography, being a photographer after all. But really, have you ever heard someone complain about being able to remember a wonderful memory of theirs? I haven’t. Good memories are proven to be good for the soul, I think…

I look at pictures as flashcards of our past. Lol, deep, I know. But they are. They’re there to refresh us of our memories of the good times and even the bad times, to show us how far we have come or how low we’ve sunk.

I guess that’s why some people hide from them, or burn them, or rip them. It’s like erasing your past I guess. Kind of sad though, I really don’t think I could ever get myself to burn photos, I already have difficulties deleting them from my cellphone.

In conclusion, I guess my point is, more people should keep photos around, no matter what they are, no matter how old they are, bad good, they represent life. They’re moments, remember? And moments are what make us who we are, the good, and the bad, remember? They are reminders, they are flashcards, they are a study technique of life. They are a type of philosophy within their own.


 Beautiful, remember?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Covers&Collabs (475 words)

            When artists choose to do collaborations with other artists that aren’t in their own genre, I can’t even lie, I start questioning their abilities. Going out of a certain genre is something most artists can’t achieve or at least, in my opinion. If you think about music history or at least in the past couple of years I’ve listened to different genre and found that most collaborations, also known as collabs are created between artists of the same genre especially in hip hop, But some artists and groups have changed my mind lately especially when it comes to covers of songs.


            Lissie did a cover of the song “Pursuit of Happiness” by Kid Cudi, my absolute favorite artist. Now, since I’m usually bias, I don’t really enjoy most people who do covers of rap music, especially Kid Cudi, considering how critical I am, because he IS my favorite artist and I listen to his music almost every day of my life.


            The band, Young the Giant did a cover a couple years ago I just found a couple months ago of the Remix to ignition. Young the Giant is a mainly acoustic band group of just boys, and the R. Kelly remix, if you haven’t heard it, is a very hip hop/ pop sound. It’s a fast beat but Young the Giant did a seriously wonderful job of slowing it down creating an amazing sound, even live. Another thing I have to add is how wonderful the band plays out in the open, they have multiple YouTube videos that there performing in places like the top of mountains or in an empty room of an apartment, it’s amazing.


The other day on 8tracks, I came across the band Bastille’s cover of “Scrub” by the 90’s band, TLC. The original song is a pop song of 3 girls singing about how they never would date a bum guy who can’t take care of themselves or the girls. Bastille is a mainly acoustic and folk sounding band who changed the tone of this once upbeat in your face song, to a settle yet strong melody. I love it.

My last and favorite cover that completely changed my mind was Melanie Martinez’s cover of Toxic by Britney Spears. When I use to listen to the Britney version, which is a poppy, electronic sound I had no idea what the meaning of the song even was, but Melanie, on her own without even a record label or anyone helping her, completely changed the beat and melody of the song while still keeping the same lyrics transformed the song. The song went from fast to a folky, slow jazz sound. Sounds crazy right? I know. The cover is now one of my favorites. I enjoy it so much that I’ve linked the 2 different versions below.





Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog swag

When it comes to having any blog, I feel like there is a certain swagger you must have when trying to dominate media attention on the internet. Based on two things, your topic and your visuals.
                Your content has to do with your visuals right? So when it comes to keeping up your swagger, always make sure your visuals are matching things, unless its tumblr, because if it is you pretty much need to make sure your graphics are sick, and so are your posts, because if they aren’t, you won’t get follows ,lol.
                So now, since I’m pretty much just rambling, I’ve created a list so I can possibly help your swag or not swag.
1.       Make sure you’re constantly updating the page you have, if not every day, it should be frequent depending on the type of page it is.
2.       Make sure your posts have some pretty colors, there’s nothing my eyes hate more than staring at black and white text.
3.       Make sure you check and actually look at what you’re posting, edit things!
4.       And last, be cautious with what you post, unlike everything I post.

(this is all really hypocritical) hah

Trap music

Trap music to me is a genre that goes often not talked about. Although it can be a grody and gross genre, to me it can also be a funny thing.
Half the time the artists don’t even make sense at all because most are really gone off some kind of drug, but for some reason, I find this really hilarious. Some might think my sense of humor is semi sick or messed up but really if you think about it, it’s kind of dumb. These artists are getting paid to get messed up out of their mind and make some sort of music off of it. That’s funny.
Trap artists are literally just living their day to day life and we are watching it while also purchasing their “music”. Now for all the people that actually truly think there is a meaning to trap music, I’m sorry but I’m really not sorry, (hah) because really all you have to do is listen to the lyrics, is it a story? Sure, it has a melody and stuff but it really affects your thinking. Maybe it does, I’m not saying I’m against it or anything I just know that it’s something I don’t think I’ll ever understand.
I think when it comes to trap music or really any music you listen to has to do with what you’ve grown up because everyone wants to listen to what is familiar to them, unless they’re trying  to party, which we all do sometimes.

Overall what I’m trying to get at I guess is that I don’t think im every really going to connect to trap music unless I’m going crazy.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anti social media hypocrite (416 words)

Today I hit a semi epiphany- social media is dumb.
                Now I am aware that I most likely should of realized this a long time ago, but hey, at least It’s finally hit me.  Scrolling through my twitter feed and instagram photos lately have left me nothing but upset, and I can’t really explain why other than the fact that teenagers just say really dumb stuff, including myself.
I always wonder what it was like to be in my parents age of growing up where there was not even internet, something I can’t imagine, not because I couldn’t live without it, but because it’s just strange to think about.
As technology advances I’ve realized that social media hits every aspect of our life lately, down to even school 3 of my teachers have twitter accounts specifically for posting things about classes, which to be honest, weird.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who’s against social advances through technology, I kind of hate the fact that I’m able to know everything people are doing, it takes away our interest in each other. It takes away the fact that we no longer have to wonder about each other, were stuck checking up on each other  whether we like it, and then if we decide to avoid it suck as deleting our pages of social media were left feeling left out by our peers because it’s constantly surrounding us.
To me, it’s sad. We no longer have to try to keep in contact with each other, instead of calling, we text. Instead of asking someone how they’re doing, we check their twitter page.  
As a girl, maybe I’m a little bitter because of old cheesy movies where a guy calls a girl to go on a date and ect. Because thanks to social media I believe that doesn’t happen anymore, or at least rarely, which is sad. I know girls still want that stuff because my girlfriends talk about it all the time.
Now there are some cool things that come with social media, I won’t even lie, technology is cool especially when it comes to advancements in the medical field and all that saving lives stuff, and helping people connect. SO from now on, I’ll back up things like Skype that help people video chat and at least talk face to face.

So all in all technology is a cool thing but nothing beats making people wonder what youre doing, or just talking face to face. J

Musics affect on friendships (398 words)

If I haven’t said this in a previous blog before, I think I should make it clear that music is probably my most favorite thing on this earth, and my second favorite is finding people who love it just as much as I do.     
                Many of my friends and other people I’ve talked to I’ve gotten to know through music. What artist they like, what genre, what style, ect. I think it tells a lot about hem as a person.
                The other day I was looking through my messages with some of my best friends and realized how much alike we are in what we listen to, and half of our conversations consist of just sending back and forth links to music or lyric videos with each other.
                Personally I’ve noticed lately that the only people I can really connect to most likely and always have the same music taste as me, which leads me to the point of what you listen to defines you, which I’ve already talked about before. It amazes me.
                I’m thankful to have friends that listen to the kinds of music I do because whenever I’m in different moods I swear they always know what to play or link me no matter if I’m upset, excited, or just wanting to goof around. Did I mention I love it?
                The best part of anything is that although each of us listens to similar music, all of us favor a different artist or song. It seems as though our personalities are defined through our different  liking for different yet similar music.
                Just looking around the hallways at Kennedy I bet you can probably tell what kind of media or music someone is interested in just by how they represent themselves.

I feel like people don’t realize how much the music they listen to affects their relationships with people because if you think about it, music is everywhere constantly giving advice. So now I’m going to end this wonderful blog with a quote from my favorite & the late babe, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” –Bob Marley

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Underrated: B.o.B (475 words)

B.o.B, has become one of the country's biggest pop superstars. With songs in his past that included Bruno Mars and Eminem, his success was pretty much inevitable. The debut album, B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray, went on to sell over 500,000 copies with its singles exceeding over 8 million in sales.

However, what really cemented him into the limelight was the quadruple-platinum smash, "Airplanes," featuring Paramore's Hayley Williams. The song was unavoidable, and even when its buzz died down, B.o.B's didn't. That fall, he dropped the critically acclaimed mixtape, No Genre, as well as another the following year, E.P.I.C.; the mixtapes showed a promising direction for B.o.B's follow-up to Adventures. The result, Strange Clouds, will easily rake in the awards like its predecessor, but hardly for the reasons that made B.o.B worth being excited about to begin with.

Album opener "Bombs Away" starts off brilliantly with a Morgan Freeman intro, but that's all the track has going for it as it fails to capitalize on its beginning with any sort of similar excitement. Even the record's first single and title song strays away from what B.o.B normally offers with its awkward dubstep elements, a boring chorus, and a forced Lil Wayne cameo.

Strange Clouds continues to take more risks with Nicki Minaj bringing her batshit insanity in the worst ways to the frantic upbeat "Out of My Mind," but Taylor Swift comes in with the knockout on the mid-tempo ballad "Both of Us" -- a track that will easily crush the success of "Airplanes" on the charts. Additionally, other flaws exist within the record vocally as they don't feel nearly as explosive as they have in the past. The one constant that B.o.B has managed to maintain on not only this album, but throughout his entire career, is the production. Dr. Luke, Cirkut, and Ryan Tedder are among the plethora of producers that lay down their touch on select numbers, and it's a nice distraction when the songs don't live up to its highest substance. The only problem is ... that occurs way too often

The flow of Strange Clouds tends to vary between songs that are helping make the album great ("So Good," "Arena," "So Hard to Breathe"), and then the ones that keep pushing it down the route of a sophomore slump ("Ray Bands," "Just a Sign," "Play for Keeps"). Right when there's about to be a trend of some consistency, it ends up falling short. The charm within 2010's Adventures took place in the fact that whatever B.o.B was doing on it -- whether it was a ballad, club banger, or just blending a bunch of genres in one -- it seemed to be done effortlessly. With Strange Clouds, the vision just seems blurry, and hopefully he can recapture the magic on a future record.

Discovery: Death apps. (405 words)

The other day while searching the iTunes app store I discovered a trend you maybe wouldn't have expected to take off: apps that tell you how soon you and your loved ones will likely die. Something I wasn’t sure if I should look into considering how superstitious I already am. But I took a slight risk and decided to look more into it.

As far as I can tell, it started earlier this year with the website See Your Folks. If your parents are still alive, See Your Folks predicts how many more times you’re likely to see them. It makes its predictions using World Health Organization data combined with the number of times you see them per year. 

But that's just your loved ones. Me, being a bit more self-centered than the usual person wanted to see if there were any apps that would tell me the big question “When will I die?”. It's a new watch currently being kickstarted. Tikker tells you how many years, days, hours and minutes you likely have left in your life. Still a bit scared of these strange new apps.

As I looked into these more I realized, I have a soft spot in my heart for this kind of thing. I'm a sucker for an old-fashioned appeal to death. I also like the promise that they try to make - that we should keep thinking about death as a way to live our lives better. Of course, the concept of these death clocks’ existence is probably nearly as effective as owning one. If you put anything in front of your face for long enough, you’ll learn to ignore it. Even the tick-tock of your own march toward the grave.

            The reason I think these apps appeal so much to a person is because they are answering the one question no one has really ever been able to answer. And of course with these apps comes a lot of speculation, even myself wondering how they know, even with data backing it up, I’ll always question it, and I think other people should too.

            A rule I think people need to keep in mind is to never let one app or any technology control how you live your life. Because that can always become a very scary thing, and also, you want to live your life, right? I mean, I know I do so I hope others the same.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A connection (427 words)

I swear music is the only that keeps me really sane. No matter what mood I’m in music fits. To me that’s kind of weird how music is literally an everyday thing for billions of people even though it’s constantly overlooked especially by myself it still amazes me so much.

And isn’t it weird how if you’re a certain emotion you tend to listen to a certain type of music, I wonder if I’m the only one who is amazed by this.

My favorite music app is 8 tracks, the reason I even noticed the emotional connection with music that has amazed me so much, because when you go onto 8 tracks, their playlists are in order by emotion or tag you click on, so I could click on the tag sad and it will usually take me to a playlist full of songs other people listen to when they’re sad and usually, I like the songs when I’m sad.\

I feel like the beat is the main connection to our emotions in songs. Because if you’re sad you’re probably a bit tired and not wanting a lot of loud noises blasting through your ear pissing you off anymore or a little kid song playing talking to you about how to do something like wash your hands, (I don’t even know where that came from but I know it’s probably not something you’d want to hear if you’re almost an adult and are sad, but then again, I don’t really know who you are so if that’s what you like to listen to when you’re sad… that’s cool)you’d probably want to listen to something slow to most likely calm your mind because I think that’s what studies show.. I’m not a doctor, I should probably remind you.

If I’m happy I usually find myself listening to everything but slow. It’s so crazy how much our minds switch between emotions. Like if a upbeat song is playing 9 times out of 10 I’m probably not even listening to the lyrics or the real meaning of the song, but if I listen to it when I’m sad I hate it because the lyrics don’t fit exactly what I’m going through, therefore my grumpy self will most likely want nothing to do with it.

I’d like to think I’m not the only teenager who feels this way considering how many teenagers and even adults connect to music and have their life revolve around it.

So in general, what I’m saying is that the way music connects to emotions is cool.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The ultimate distraction (402 words)

Right now I am currently having a real tough time typing my blog, given it is a Sunday, but I am so incredibly tired that nothing, and I mean nothing creative is flowing out of my brain, and the internet is not helping one bit.

First off, for some odd reason I cannot stop checking twitter because I’m a typical white girl who’s really interested with what other people are doing in their lives right now even though I should probably consider looking at my not even close to being done chem worksheet and also, my not even close to done math worksheet, both which I have no idea how to do.

                And of course I’m online shopping right now, completely ignoring all other things because Urban Outiftters and Free people know best. They know that fashion is more important than knowing life skills and getting good grades, they also know that if I don’t online shop I will look like a complete loser in front of all my friends who’s opinions seriously matter.

                Currently, my kitten is trying to type on my laptop and is being uber cute distracting me once again. Butttttttt, my kitten is so much more important than this blog and deserves all my attention, even though this blog counts as a grade and has an effect on my future, the cat is cuter therefore the cat wins my attention.. so this is awkward for my teacher reading this…

                If it counts for media, I’m currently scrolling through Youtube finding songs to put on my ipod that I’ll listen to at school tomorrow so I can ignore all the core reasons I’m there and drowned out all the people I dislike at the place that I hate and offers me nothing (school).

                At this point I still have 100 words left and am not sure what to do with them.

But I digress……………….. Media is controlling my lazy Sunday and I think I’m about to just let it. Yes, I know this is not the wise thing to do but my mind is shutting down along with about over 100 of the students I know so I’m deciding to be an extra typical teenager to day and go with the flow, I’m sure my rebellion self will probably be angry in a while when I’m still working but then maybe the caffeine will kick in, wish me luck…

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Anti-radio (402 words)

The song lost in translation by G-eazy has officially opened up a new want of mine. In one of the songs he said “On a flight to japan, where the culture is doper.” See, I’d never really thought about a vacation to Japan, but after hearing the song, I did a little research.


            After doing some research I actually realized Japan is a lot like the United States but in a very different way. Its culture is so diverse. I’ve never been actually educated by a rap song before so this of course is a big first.


            Ever since then I’ve started to listen to the lyrics of more of my songs more, and I’ve actually had to on top of adding music to my phone, delete some because of how much I hate it. It kind of surprised me but at the same time didn’t how seriously stupid some peoples lyrics are, especially rappers.


            Of course there are still some songs to listen to just for fun even though they are horrible lyrically they still have a good beat, like all of most pop stars music.


            I don’t know if you’ve ever really listened to the music they play on Z102.9 but it really is crap. Like none of the songs have that much of a meaning plus are mainly auto tuned and are probably teaching people what exactly not to do in life, minus a few. Kind of pisses me off to realize that mainstream music is putting crap into people’s minds.


            So I recommend that if you don’t want your brain full of crap, avoid the radio. Most of it is songs brought back from old times just changed to fit what people like to hear which is not what real music is. Music is an art that real musicians use to express their feelings with.


            I can’t even imagine what goes through artist who aren’t main stream wonder about while they’re listening to the radio, I bet many of them become just as angry as myself. It makes me want to walk into the radio station and complain to somebody but I realize that this is a bigger problem that doesn’t just start in the local radio.


            So, in conclusion, my lesson here is don’t listen to the radio. It is becoming anti real music, and its poorly writer by large music companies focused on grabbing peoples attention. It’s all about the money.

What a picture is really worth (401 words)

Since I usually am constantly talking about music in almost every post of mine, I thought I’d do a bit of a throwback Thursday. The reason for this is because the other day I was looking through all of my old photos my mom has saved throughout the years. While going through them I quickly became emotional, even while looking at happy pictures. So…. I started to wonder..


            They say that a picture is worth a thousand words but if you think about it, those worse are truly unsaid. If you’re confused already, this is what I mean: The quote “A picture is worth a thousand words” purely defines a picture, millions of them. I mean, if you think about it, doesn’t that really just cover it? A picture is actually worth about 7 words based off a quote, based off of emotions.


            Although I don’t think memories can be described by words I think it all depends on the person. If a person looks at a certain picture and becomes angry, I guarantee you there are more than just words behind that picture. Many that cannot be described.


            Where I’m going with this blog is that a picture cannot be described by words at all and it is one of the most frustrating things to hear as a aspiring photographer, because that mean memories are being judged in your head by feels not by the beauty of a visually stunning photo or how you felt when the photo was taken. A photo is about the moment, moments cannot be completely described by words and I beg people never do that.


            Now, I understand the quote is just saying that you can’t express all your emotions for one photo in a couple of words, and I understand that, but where it goes wrong is key. The quote is expecting people to just accept the fact that they can’t describe a photo all in a couple thoughts, but I believe this isn’t true. I believe thoughts create emotions and emotions create thoughts all which come together to create one, not just a thousand or so.


            Once all thoughts come together I believe that it creates the words, which are the or at least should be the last part of your thought process, that is when you are ready to tell what a photo is really worth.. but then again…is that really possible?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A grammy for Acid Rap (232 words)

All summer I listened to the mixtape Acid Rap by Chance the Rapper, and am somehow still listening to it. He's definitely topped the charts in my playbook.

Literally every song on his album has not just a great beat but is lyrically genius...Now you might just be thinking I just really like it all, but really I haven't been this impressed by somebodies music since Kid Cudi came out with all of the Man On the Moon albums to which to this day I still listen to almost every day.

Chance the rapper goes from talking about to love, to talking about drugs, to talking about his own family and philosophy. His talent of expressing his emotions flow out like a lesson but in a good way.  He kind of gives the lesson in a suggestive way of creating a picture in my head of what I could be doing differently in my life (better) while encouraging me to express how I feel because that's what he's doing.

To me he's kind of like my preacher or religious leader no matter how weird that sounds, I mean, my religion is music so why not have him and kid cudi as my preachers? Haha but seriously, I feel like everyone should listen to him no matter how old you are because he's although different some how a good influence, something I appreciate. 

Nothing was the same (379 Words)

One of my favorite artists, Drake, released an album at the beginning of the week called Nothing was the same. It is kind of like a mix of his past few albums. To me, the purpose of this album has been to show how much growth drake has made not just within his music but also his personal life. Many of the songs describe the difficulties of changing situations within almost every aspect of life.

"All me" is one of the most popular songs on the album. In this song Drake has featured 2chainz and Big Sean. It describes how drake has had to work his way up to the top of the "rap game" all by himself and the people closest to him, he describes how although it was a lot of work, and still is, he remains the same guy he was years ago. He also proceeds to talk about how he can't complain because of how much money he makes and how well things have gone for him.

"Come Thru" is a different softer side of the album. It describes one of Drakes past relationships counting on his girlfriend to be there for him when he needs her to. I like this song especially because it's not a typical rap song, the beat is softer and he expresses a story, something I love.

"Connect" Is my favorite song on the album. I like it because I can connect to it in real life, It isn't just a cheesy love song, or a typical rap song and it talks about a person in a relationship who is always going to be there for the other person but is still going to live their life as well partially forgetting about the other person while they can and always try to move on.

Over all, Drake has not let me down with this album. I thought at first it seemed a little of the same old stuff he's been putting out for years but he has completely surprised me. I won't lie, his love songs will almost always be my favorite. I don't think this will be anywhere close to the best of him, and think eventually he will do something even better because I mean c'mon, It's Drake!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Favorited, Lately. (520 words)


Lately I’ve found many songs I’ve been enjoying.


Better days by Cam Meekins has to be one of my most favorite songs. It describes a person that is going through rough times after a break up. In the beginning of the songs he talks about that although the girl is going through a time where she has been mentally abused by other people it shouldn’t affect how she feels about herself and that he hopes things turn out good for her because she deserves it more than most people.


Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus, has although been controversial lately a constant replay for myself. In the song Miley describes how she was in a relationship that she gave all of her effort to but ended up being nothing but hurt in the end. I like the song because it is actually realistic because one line she says “I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in.” Which can be really relevant for many people going through ending of relationships, because not all want to just fight but are actually upset from what has happened, especially when they gave it their all.


            The Love Club by Lorde is a song that is slowly racing up the charts but also, to be one of my personal favorites. Lorde, a 16 year old artist from Australia sings about how corrupt yet exciting it is to be one of the popular kids, but at the end of the day how it’s not that great. In one of her lines she says “You’ll get punched for the love club, everything will glow for you,” To me in the song she talks about how contradictory social things in schools are, but not also schools, but the music industry. To me, it shows that although she is quickly rising to fame she realizes the reality of it making her seem down to earth which makes me like her more as an artist.


            Lastly, the song Beware by Big Sean is a song that describes how girls and guys change after ended relationships, but mainly girls. The chorus is my favorite part, “You should beware, beware, beware, of a woman with a broken heart.” It shows how cold hearted some girls become after a break up and how much it can have effect on certain peoples personality’s and how they should almost be feared. He also talks about the games that couples play after they break up, such as purposefully answering phones and calling them on accident. He talks about how some girls become so cold hearted that they forget all the nonsense people say to get them to be that heartless. He is also kind of defending the males too in the part where he says in one of the lines “Girls only say I hate you to the guys that they love” My most favorite part about this side is that he shows how being heartless can affect both people in a relationship not just one, and also that it’s not just guys who have become heartless but also, girls.

                           I recommend them all,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Updated Blues (823 words)

The past weeks having been building up for myself, the release of the Ios7 software for the iPhone 5 has had me excited and both nervous at the same time, now, I understand why my nerves got the set of me. While downloading the new software I did not realize what I was truly getting myself into. The Ios7 has officially prevented me from using my brand new I phone 5.


 I’ve looked up ways to fix it and have found nothing but trouble. My regrets are profound. Whenever I go to open a new app my phone pops up that I must connect to iTunes, so I do. But while trying to connect to ITunes I had to also update my iTunes, while creating an apple ID and a cloud, both in which I don’t understand.


Now, I may just be technologically challenged like most teenage girls but this has sent me off the edge. I have now spent countless hours just in the past two days, both at school and at home trying to fix this small little problem creating large stress within my mind. Although, yes, I could probably just go into my local apple store and get support, my anger comes from a deeper part dealing with apple software.


Even though, when my phone and other apple appliances are working well, I adore them, I have started to see a large increase in apple companies changing their classic models just to try to keep up with competition, like androids. To me, the new software looks like a knock off version of a droid, sad.


To me apple has always been apple. When people go to buy IPhones or I pods they’re buying them because they do not want an android or the android software, they buy it because they want APPLE.

Apple has been a leader in technology since I could remember, why stop now?


            So, my main anger might come off as a bit pretentious towards apple, and a little harsh, but as I see it, it’s the truth. People do not want androids therefore apple should not be changing their model to be just like every other phone and electronic brand. If a company was built off a difference they should be going throughout to do what they can to keep differences or they will lose everything that they have gained from their growth. . . tell me the point in that.


            Now, you might be thinking that I’m just some angry technologically challenged 16 year old white girl, but this isn’t true. I’m giving my opinion from the basis of what I believe is going throughout many minds right now, especially the young ones- apples next generation. If you aren’t appealing to us and on top of that, little customer satisfaction, what are you doing?


All in all, my voice to apple, is to pay attention to what they’re consumers like more. They buy apple for the clean crisp looking designs, not the cheap looking android ones, IPhone users fell in love with Ios6… wasn’t that a sign? I wish I could say to apple right now to keep up the good work but I certainly cannot and will not.


I hope Apple realizes my thoughts and goes back to their older models. Yes I am being a bit dramatic in all this, I do realize, and you might not agree with me but coming from another apple user to you, I hope readers understand where I am coming from, not just an angry user who hasn’t got her way, but a concerned one. One who is concerned about where one of her favorite technological companies is going?

            The only reason I worry about these things is because I know a lot of people in the same position, people who aren’t that advanced when it comes to technology who rely on companies like apple to make things simple. The more complicated you make things the more dissatisfied your costumers are going to be, the more users you’re going to lose, and money, and so on.


            I do applaud apple for their continuous work on updating systems, which never goes unwatched or un congratulated, so I guess you could consider this my congratulations-you-ruined-my-phone-but-I-still-love-you rant, because like they say, the more you talk about it, the more nothing happens.


            If anyone is in my situation I recommend you first take a deep breath because if you aren’t calm nothing will get finished, then back up everything on your iPhone onto your computer, especially music and photos, and then restore your iPhone. If that doesn’t work your local cellular service company or apple store I’m sure is close by and will know way more than I do about fixing you’re phone…Also, good luck, you might need it.