Sunday, September 29, 2013

A grammy for Acid Rap (232 words)

All summer I listened to the mixtape Acid Rap by Chance the Rapper, and am somehow still listening to it. He's definitely topped the charts in my playbook.

Literally every song on his album has not just a great beat but is lyrically genius...Now you might just be thinking I just really like it all, but really I haven't been this impressed by somebodies music since Kid Cudi came out with all of the Man On the Moon albums to which to this day I still listen to almost every day.

Chance the rapper goes from talking about to love, to talking about drugs, to talking about his own family and philosophy. His talent of expressing his emotions flow out like a lesson but in a good way.  He kind of gives the lesson in a suggestive way of creating a picture in my head of what I could be doing differently in my life (better) while encouraging me to express how I feel because that's what he's doing.

To me he's kind of like my preacher or religious leader no matter how weird that sounds, I mean, my religion is music so why not have him and kid cudi as my preachers? Haha but seriously, I feel like everyone should listen to him no matter how old you are because he's although different some how a good influence, something I appreciate. 

Nothing was the same (379 Words)

One of my favorite artists, Drake, released an album at the beginning of the week called Nothing was the same. It is kind of like a mix of his past few albums. To me, the purpose of this album has been to show how much growth drake has made not just within his music but also his personal life. Many of the songs describe the difficulties of changing situations within almost every aspect of life.

"All me" is one of the most popular songs on the album. In this song Drake has featured 2chainz and Big Sean. It describes how drake has had to work his way up to the top of the "rap game" all by himself and the people closest to him, he describes how although it was a lot of work, and still is, he remains the same guy he was years ago. He also proceeds to talk about how he can't complain because of how much money he makes and how well things have gone for him.

"Come Thru" is a different softer side of the album. It describes one of Drakes past relationships counting on his girlfriend to be there for him when he needs her to. I like this song especially because it's not a typical rap song, the beat is softer and he expresses a story, something I love.

"Connect" Is my favorite song on the album. I like it because I can connect to it in real life, It isn't just a cheesy love song, or a typical rap song and it talks about a person in a relationship who is always going to be there for the other person but is still going to live their life as well partially forgetting about the other person while they can and always try to move on.

Over all, Drake has not let me down with this album. I thought at first it seemed a little of the same old stuff he's been putting out for years but he has completely surprised me. I won't lie, his love songs will almost always be my favorite. I don't think this will be anywhere close to the best of him, and think eventually he will do something even better because I mean c'mon, It's Drake!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Favorited, Lately. (520 words)


Lately I’ve found many songs I’ve been enjoying.


Better days by Cam Meekins has to be one of my most favorite songs. It describes a person that is going through rough times after a break up. In the beginning of the songs he talks about that although the girl is going through a time where she has been mentally abused by other people it shouldn’t affect how she feels about herself and that he hopes things turn out good for her because she deserves it more than most people.


Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus, has although been controversial lately a constant replay for myself. In the song Miley describes how she was in a relationship that she gave all of her effort to but ended up being nothing but hurt in the end. I like the song because it is actually realistic because one line she says “I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in.” Which can be really relevant for many people going through ending of relationships, because not all want to just fight but are actually upset from what has happened, especially when they gave it their all.


            The Love Club by Lorde is a song that is slowly racing up the charts but also, to be one of my personal favorites. Lorde, a 16 year old artist from Australia sings about how corrupt yet exciting it is to be one of the popular kids, but at the end of the day how it’s not that great. In one of her lines she says “You’ll get punched for the love club, everything will glow for you,” To me in the song she talks about how contradictory social things in schools are, but not also schools, but the music industry. To me, it shows that although she is quickly rising to fame she realizes the reality of it making her seem down to earth which makes me like her more as an artist.


            Lastly, the song Beware by Big Sean is a song that describes how girls and guys change after ended relationships, but mainly girls. The chorus is my favorite part, “You should beware, beware, beware, of a woman with a broken heart.” It shows how cold hearted some girls become after a break up and how much it can have effect on certain peoples personality’s and how they should almost be feared. He also talks about the games that couples play after they break up, such as purposefully answering phones and calling them on accident. He talks about how some girls become so cold hearted that they forget all the nonsense people say to get them to be that heartless. He is also kind of defending the males too in the part where he says in one of the lines “Girls only say I hate you to the guys that they love” My most favorite part about this side is that he shows how being heartless can affect both people in a relationship not just one, and also that it’s not just guys who have become heartless but also, girls.

                           I recommend them all,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Updated Blues (823 words)

The past weeks having been building up for myself, the release of the Ios7 software for the iPhone 5 has had me excited and both nervous at the same time, now, I understand why my nerves got the set of me. While downloading the new software I did not realize what I was truly getting myself into. The Ios7 has officially prevented me from using my brand new I phone 5.


 I’ve looked up ways to fix it and have found nothing but trouble. My regrets are profound. Whenever I go to open a new app my phone pops up that I must connect to iTunes, so I do. But while trying to connect to ITunes I had to also update my iTunes, while creating an apple ID and a cloud, both in which I don’t understand.


Now, I may just be technologically challenged like most teenage girls but this has sent me off the edge. I have now spent countless hours just in the past two days, both at school and at home trying to fix this small little problem creating large stress within my mind. Although, yes, I could probably just go into my local apple store and get support, my anger comes from a deeper part dealing with apple software.


Even though, when my phone and other apple appliances are working well, I adore them, I have started to see a large increase in apple companies changing their classic models just to try to keep up with competition, like androids. To me, the new software looks like a knock off version of a droid, sad.


To me apple has always been apple. When people go to buy IPhones or I pods they’re buying them because they do not want an android or the android software, they buy it because they want APPLE.

Apple has been a leader in technology since I could remember, why stop now?


            So, my main anger might come off as a bit pretentious towards apple, and a little harsh, but as I see it, it’s the truth. People do not want androids therefore apple should not be changing their model to be just like every other phone and electronic brand. If a company was built off a difference they should be going throughout to do what they can to keep differences or they will lose everything that they have gained from their growth. . . tell me the point in that.


            Now, you might be thinking that I’m just some angry technologically challenged 16 year old white girl, but this isn’t true. I’m giving my opinion from the basis of what I believe is going throughout many minds right now, especially the young ones- apples next generation. If you aren’t appealing to us and on top of that, little customer satisfaction, what are you doing?


All in all, my voice to apple, is to pay attention to what they’re consumers like more. They buy apple for the clean crisp looking designs, not the cheap looking android ones, IPhone users fell in love with Ios6… wasn’t that a sign? I wish I could say to apple right now to keep up the good work but I certainly cannot and will not.


I hope Apple realizes my thoughts and goes back to their older models. Yes I am being a bit dramatic in all this, I do realize, and you might not agree with me but coming from another apple user to you, I hope readers understand where I am coming from, not just an angry user who hasn’t got her way, but a concerned one. One who is concerned about where one of her favorite technological companies is going?

            The only reason I worry about these things is because I know a lot of people in the same position, people who aren’t that advanced when it comes to technology who rely on companies like apple to make things simple. The more complicated you make things the more dissatisfied your costumers are going to be, the more users you’re going to lose, and money, and so on.


            I do applaud apple for their continuous work on updating systems, which never goes unwatched or un congratulated, so I guess you could consider this my congratulations-you-ruined-my-phone-but-I-still-love-you rant, because like they say, the more you talk about it, the more nothing happens.


            If anyone is in my situation I recommend you first take a deep breath because if you aren’t calm nothing will get finished, then back up everything on your iPhone onto your computer, especially music and photos, and then restore your iPhone. If that doesn’t work your local cellular service company or apple store I’m sure is close by and will know way more than I do about fixing you’re phone…Also, good luck, you might need it.