The internet has taught me a lot factual
and nonfactual things in the past couple of years. Mainly nonfactual but I’d be
lying if I said it hasn’t changed how I view certain things.
The first big thing that the
internet has taught me is to never judge a person based purely off of their
twitter, facebook, or instagram page. Because according to my own judgment and
statistics, 75% of everything us teenagers post is not usually what were really
thinking. Now, if you’re a person who really does, I applaud you, but just
remember, don’t depend on people actually listening to what you say. We are
changed my music taste for the rest of my life. I don’t know what else to say
other than it’s a site that posts new music from all kinds of different artists
every day, it’s pretty neat.
The third thing the internet has
taught me, CATS. You either hate them or you really love them. For me, it’s a definite
love. I’d consider it one of my favorite pass times. If you look through who I’m
following on social media, I guarantee you’ll find multiple strictly cat pages.
Not ashamed, apparently they’re trending, considering I see them in plenty of
people’s bios. On top of that, they even have their own emoji facial
expressions, do you see any with dogs? If that doesn’t make it an official
trend, I don’t know what does.
Pronouncing things is the 4th
thing that the internet has (confused) taught me. Is it Gif or Gif?
5th: There are so many
places cooler than Iowa. Like wow, every time I check pinterest or Tumblr, I
find a new place to add to my bucket list. Apparently whenever our state came
about, we missed the whole, mountains, or waterfalls, or volcanos, or oceans
thing. We kind of missed everything except corn.
The 6th thing I’ve
learned thanks to the internet: Never underestimate the power of fangirls. I’m
pretty sure Justin Bieber and One direction would agree with me. There’s also
nothing scarier than a massive amount of upset fans, especially beliebers.
Anybody remember #cutsforbieber? I belieb that was one of the weirdest, and
most confusing hashtag I’ve ever seen, especially being a fan of Justin Bieber.
is like a drug, and WILL consume a lot of your time if you let it. I’m saying
this as a warning because I don’t think I could count up the hours I’ve spent
on it, but it’s definitely a cool site to visit if you’re ever bored.
8th: Swag is not an
adjective. It is something you poses.
I’m going to dedicate the 9th
thing I’ve learned while using the internet is my not so new found respect for
Youtube. The app and site has brought Kid Cudi, Chance the rapper, Grace
Helbig, Neature walks, Turrets guy, and even Sharkeisha into my life. The site
has also prevented me from ever being able to say “I like turtles,” in a normal
voice ever again. If you don’t happen to know anything I’m talking about in
this paragraph, please, feel free to search any of these terms on
The 10th and final thing
I’ve learned and am going to stress is that you can’t get all of your
information on current events from twitter accounts. Trutherbot is not
journalism, and in my opinion people shouldn’t ever rely strictly on one place
to get all of their information.
Since I shared my own experiences
with the internet I’m going to end this with a little advise.
Be aware, be advised, stay open
minded, and you’re never fully dressed without a smile. J
I love this post, because it is so true. The 5th point is probably a thought that goes through my head everyday and every time I go online. There are so many people and places to meet and see throughout the world. Don't get me wrong, Iowa is alright to grow up in, but then at a certain age, you realize it is not super fun anymore because you want to explore. The internet has definitely played a part in me just wanting to travel around the world.