Thursday, October 3, 2013

Anti-radio (402 words)

The song lost in translation by G-eazy has officially opened up a new want of mine. In one of the songs he said “On a flight to japan, where the culture is doper.” See, I’d never really thought about a vacation to Japan, but after hearing the song, I did a little research.


            After doing some research I actually realized Japan is a lot like the United States but in a very different way. Its culture is so diverse. I’ve never been actually educated by a rap song before so this of course is a big first.


            Ever since then I’ve started to listen to the lyrics of more of my songs more, and I’ve actually had to on top of adding music to my phone, delete some because of how much I hate it. It kind of surprised me but at the same time didn’t how seriously stupid some peoples lyrics are, especially rappers.


            Of course there are still some songs to listen to just for fun even though they are horrible lyrically they still have a good beat, like all of most pop stars music.


            I don’t know if you’ve ever really listened to the music they play on Z102.9 but it really is crap. Like none of the songs have that much of a meaning plus are mainly auto tuned and are probably teaching people what exactly not to do in life, minus a few. Kind of pisses me off to realize that mainstream music is putting crap into people’s minds.


            So I recommend that if you don’t want your brain full of crap, avoid the radio. Most of it is songs brought back from old times just changed to fit what people like to hear which is not what real music is. Music is an art that real musicians use to express their feelings with.


            I can’t even imagine what goes through artist who aren’t main stream wonder about while they’re listening to the radio, I bet many of them become just as angry as myself. It makes me want to walk into the radio station and complain to somebody but I realize that this is a bigger problem that doesn’t just start in the local radio.


            So, in conclusion, my lesson here is don’t listen to the radio. It is becoming anti real music, and its poorly writer by large music companies focused on grabbing peoples attention. It’s all about the money.

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